

Azilect (Rasagiline)

Common Side Effects

 a controlled study of 149 patients receiving 1mg of Azilect, the National Library of Medicine says that 14 percent had a headache, 7 percent developed arthralgia (joint pain) and indigestion, and 5 percent suffered from depression, falls and the flu. Additionally, 3 percent suffered from conjunctivitis (eye infection), fever, gastroenteritis (stomach infection) and rhinitis (allergy-like symptoms such as a runny nose and watery eyes), while 2 percent suffered from arthritis, ecchymosis (bruising), fatigue, neck pain, paresthesias (numbness and tingling) and vertigo. says that Azilect can also cause constipation, diarrhea, stomach problems, weight loss, alopecia (hair loss) and decreased libido (sex drive). Other common side effects include unsteadiness, lack of coordination, sweating and fever, says MedlinePlus. 

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