

Paroxetine MesylateParoxetine Mesylate

 Side effects of  Asimia

Asimia (paroxetine mesylate) may cause suicidal thoughts or actions in youths taking the drug. Seek immediate medical attention if this takes place. Severe allergic reactions could occur as indicated by a tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, itching (rash or hives), or swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue. Seek immediate medical attention if this takes place. Other severe side effects relating to the mental state that may need immediate attention include: bizarre behavior; confusion; decreased concentration; hallucinations; memory loss; new or worsening agitation; panic attacks; aggressiveness; impulsiveness; irritability; exaggerated feeling of well-being; restlessness, or inability to sit still; severe or persistent anxiety; suicidal thoughts or attempts; or worsening of depression. Additionally, changes in the body that may need attention include: decreased coordination, exaggerated reflexes; fainting; seizures, tremor, or unusual weakness. Chest pain or fast, irregular heartbeat needs to be treated as soon as possible by a doctor. Other serious side effects include: black or bloody stools; fever, chills, or sore throat; persistent or severe ringing in the ears; persistent, painful erection; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin; severe or persistent headache or dizziness; significant weight loss; stomach pain; trouble sleeping; unusual bruising or bleeding; vision changes; blood pressure changes; coma; confusion, delirium; fever. In addition, irritability, mental changes, or rigid muscles could indicate very serious syndromes that could lead to death. If these side effects occur, contact your doctor right away. Mild side effects of Asimia that may lessen as you become accustomed to the drug include: diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea and upset stomach. If these symptoms, or any of the following persist, talk to your doctor: anxiety; blurred vision; constipation; decreased sexual desire or ability; dry mouth; gas; increased sweating; increased urination; loss of appetite; nervousness; numbness or tingling of the skin; trouble concentrating; trouble sleeping; weakness; or uncontrolled yawning.

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